high scores and low abilities 高分低能
VIEW high scores 查看最高分数 ; 查看分数排行 ; 高分榜
get high scores 得高分 ; 取得高分 ; 获取高分
reset high scores 重置高分 ; 重置高度评分
your high scores 您的高分 ; 你高分 ; 你高度评分
Getting High Scores 高分突破
Achieved high scores 取得高分
high scores in examinations 考试高分
Study on the high scores 考了最高分
People who achieve high scores on the SAT tend to earn high college GPAs in the future.
As a bonus, I've beaten my high scores on all my phone games.
That's why it got high scores in physics, history and math.
High adherence scores, good adherence to the Mediterranean Diet across all these studies, was associated with these particular health outcomes.
I think there's a lot more to getting into college than having high test scores.
They would say there is a low correlation between SAT scores and grade point averages in college, or maybe it's a high correlation.