higher education tuition and fees
... Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees Exemption 学杂费减免 higher education tuition and fees 教育学费 exempt tuition and miscellaneous fees 免掉学杂费 ...
higher education tuition and fees
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The above-the line deduction for higher education tuition and fees.
FORBES: IRS Filing Season Delay
That's why we took the decision, supported across the range of higher education, to look carefully at student support and tuition fees.
BBC: News | UK Politics | Donald Dewar's speech
So the Dearing committee has some justification in arguing that, even after the introduction of tuition fees, state spending on higher education should continue to grow in line with national income, and that this would be a wise investment.
ECONOMIST: Universities