% Host name of the server 服务器 的主机名 Misconfigured networking can often be the cause of & kde; applications launching slowly, or in the worst case n...
The host name of the server to instrument (for example, abc.ibm.com)
要测试的主机名(如 abc.ibm.com)
Change all occurrences of wse62 to the host name of the server running WebSphere Sensor Events.
将所有出现wse62的位置修改为运行WebSphere Sensor Events的服务器的主机名。
The host name of the server and the filename of the database is already defined by the web Deployment Descriptor (web.xml).
服务器的主机名和数据库的文件名早已在web部署描述符(web . xml)中定义了。