Before we get started if you haven't reviewed How to Handle HANDS Part I you can do so by clicking here.
How can I find time to exercise when I have to get up early in the morning and I'm exhausted by the time I get home in the evening?
If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight.
So if I start off with a list of length n, how many times can I divide it by 2, until I get to something no more than two left?
You can call the front desk and ask how you can get some food by using the "how can I" pattern.
你可以打电话给前台,用 “How can I”句型询问你怎么样能买点吃的。
I can get this to show us how far up we are supposed to go, by placing it on some kind of grid here," and this is this--as I said before, the beginning of the first graph in the history of the West.