曾著有《如何像麦可一样》(How to Be Like Mike)、《团队工作的魔力》(The Magic of Teamwork)及《爱上魔术》(Go for the Magic)等书。
“I think she is trying to determine how she can better get to where she’d like to be, ” said Speaker Mike Chenault of the Alaska Legislature, a Republican from the Kenai Peninsula.
“我想她在决定她怎样才能更好地去住向往之地,”来自奇奈半岛的共和党人、阿拉斯加立法机关发言人迈克.切诺特(Mike Chenault)说。
Most Agile teams would like to be associated with theory Y. Mike Griffiths suggested how this might be easy to achieve.
大多数敏捷团队希望能跟y理论建立联系,Mike Griffiths指出这可能很容易做到。