TSB控制结构通过人机交互(Human-Robot Interaction)的方式将操作 者的任务决策与规划能力和基于显微视觉伺服的微装配机器人自主控制结 合起来,提高了机器人进行微装配任务的能力和...
Affective Computing and Human-Robot Interaction 情感计算与人机交互
human-robot interaction control 人机互动控制
Map-based human-robot interaction 地图为基础的人机交互
Human-Robot Interaction-Specific Conferences 有关人机交互的着名会议
During human-robot interaction, coordinated head-eye motion control contributes to obtaining environment information and the interested focus for robot. Hence it enhances interaction naturalness between human and robot.
参考来源 - 基于表观的手势识别及人机交互研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The architecture of Internet robot with mobile devices is presented and the security mechanisms and human-robot interaction way is designed.
The new design pushes the envelope of human-robot interaction, and Ishiguro is certainly not afraid of exploring the depths of the uncanny valley.
This arm wrestling robot provides a system experiment platform for the study of moving feelings of human upper limbs and human-robot interaction.