... Network Security(网络安全) Human Robot Interaction(人机交互) High Speed Train and Track Systems(高速列车和轨道系统) ...
Human-robot interaction 人机交互 ; 人机互动 ; 互作用
Affective Computing and Human-Robot Interaction 情感计算与人机交互
human-robot interaction control 人机互动控制
Map-based human-robot interaction 地图为基础的人机交互
Human-Robot Interaction-Specific Conferences 有关人机交互的着名会议
The new design pushes the envelope of human-robot interaction, and Ishiguro is certainly not afraid of exploring the depths of the uncanny valley.
This arm wrestling robot provides a system experiment platform for the study of moving feelings of human upper limbs and human-robot interaction.
The architecture of Internet robot with mobile devices is presented and the security mechanisms and human-robot interaction way is designed.