...的程度增加(常人平均为20个左右的重复,小于35个依然被认为是正常的,40个以上被认为带有亨,亨廷顿舞蹈病(huntington disease,HD):因为运动神经通路中某一类抑制型神经元的特异性凋亡导致患者难以停止运动,患者后期还会伴随痴呆、强直等症状,一般在30岁...
...简介亨廷顿舞蹈症(即Huntington Disease)是一种遗传神经退化疾病,主要病因是患者第四号染色体上的Huntington基因发生变异,产生了变异的蛋白质,该蛋白质在细胞内逐渐聚...
Huntington disease HD 亨廷顿舞蹈病
rigidity huntington disease 强直型Huntington舞蹈病
dementia in huntington disease 亨廷顿病痴呆
Dementia in Huntington disease? 亨廷顿病性痴呆
Huntington n's disease 亨廷顿舞蹈病
huntington s disease model huntington舞蹈病模型
"They had about a 65-to-70-percent reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in their 70s," says Huntington Potter, a neurobiologist at the University of South Florida.
南佛罗里达大学的神经生物学家,亨廷顿-波特说,“他们到了70多岁时,患老年痴呆症的风险降低了大约百分之65 ~ 70。”
Its scientific name goes back to the New York physician George Huntington who was the first to describe the deadly disease in 1872.
The severe disease bearing the name of American physician George Huntington has been known under various other names, including Chorea major, or St. Vitus Dance, for a long time.