But I can wait forever 但是我可以永生守侯
I want to talk to you, but it can wait.
If you need a refill of water and extra dressing, I can get it at one time. But if I'm busy, don't ask for honey mustard and wait until I bring that back to ask for extra napkins.
The best example I can think of offhand, I should let this wait, but Peter the Great, the czar of the Russians, who may or may not have beaten his son to death, at least he ordered him tortured.
我现在临时能想到的最好的例子,就是沙皇彼得大帝,本来要等会再说的,彼得大帝是否判处了自己儿子死刑 还有争论,但至少他曾下令用酷刑折磨他的儿子
D-A-V-I-D Well, if I've got a five-letter word like D-A-V-I-D, well, that's like five bytes and yet we only have the ability thus far in this class to return one thing at a time I can't return five bytes to you, but wait a minute, those bytes by nature of a computer are just stored in RAM.
The best example I can think of offhand, I should let this wait, but Peter the Great, the czar of the Russians, who may or may not have beaten his son to death, at least he ordered him tortured.
我现在临时能想到的最好的例子,就是沙皇彼得大帝,本来要等会再说的,彼得大帝是否判处了自己儿子死刑 还有争论,但至少他曾下令用酷刑折磨他的儿子