Do as I Think Fit 我行我素
I think I still fit 我觉得我还是适合 ; 我想我还是放不下 ; 我想我还是适合
I think I was fit 我想我还是放不下
I don't remember what I had written in the past, and whenever an inspiration came for me to write something, I just do it as I think fit at the time.
Showing Xuande’s letter to the officials, Kongming said, “Our lord has had placed the responsibility for Jingzhou upon me, with instructions to appoint whoever I think fit.
Again—BEFORE SHE HAD THIS FIT—you never had fits, my dear, I think?
Maybe I should make a bigger-- let me do it here, I can fit it in here I think.
I do not think it's going to fit in this room.
Maybe something to be a chaplain wouldn't fit into the scheme of things, I think.