If you thought that using your neighbour's insecure Wi-Fi automatically precludes you from detection, then you might be interested to know that this is no longer the case.
如果你认为使用你邻居的不安全的Wi - Fi会自动将你从检测中排除,那么你可能有兴趣想知道,这已不再如此。
If these fears are justified, then perhaps we should all be worried about the amount of time we spend talking on our phones or plugging into wi-fi hotpots.
如果这些担忧并非无稽之谈,那么我们可能都要为自己花在电话和wi - fi无线网络上的时间而担忧了。
Thinking back to basic shell scripting logic, an if statement consists of if, then, and fi.