... imitation n.模仿;仿造物,抄袭品;乐句的重复 immature adj.不成熟的 immemorial adj.古老久远的;超越记忆的(超越传统或历史记录的限度的) ...
... imitation n.模仿,摹拟,仿造;仿制品,赝晶;拟态 immature adj.发育未全的;未成年的;未成熟的 immeasurable adj.无法计量的 ...
immature teratoma 未成熟畸胎瘤 ; 全能细胞 ; 畸胎瘤 ; 全能细胞未成熟畸胎瘤
immature wine 未成熟的葡萄酒 ; 未陈化酒
immature soil [地质] 未成熟土 ; 未成年土 ; 未成熟土壤 ; 生土
immature proglottid 幼节 ; 未成熟节片
immature cell 未成熟的细胞 ; 未成熟细胞
immature face 非成熟面 ; 或未成熟面 ; 稚嫩的脸
immature oil 不成熟石油 ; 低熟油含义 ; 未熟油
immature myocardium 未成熟心肌
"immature behavior"
"immature plans"
同义词: unformed
同义词: young
同义词: unfledged
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Something or someone that is immature is not yet completely grown or fully developed. 未发育完全的; 不成熟的
She is emotionally immature.
ADJ If you describe someone as immature, you are being critical of them because they do not behave in a sensible or responsible way. 冒失的 [表不满]
She's just being childish and immature.