在书上写字 » In writing on the book 我以前喜欢爬山,但现在不喜欢了,因为觉得累 » I used to like mountain climbing, but now, because I think that do not like...
My Forbes writing tends to be humorous on occasion, but not in the dark, vulgar way of the book.
"If my husband has a right to have guns in the house, I have a right to hang laundry," said Froehlich, who is writing a book on the subject.
Suppose you set a goal to write a book, but you aren’t already in the habit of writing on a regular basis (ideally daily).
You might think of walking in here expecting Professor Hungerford on censorship and getting me instead. But this is a very important idea for Nabokov both as a way of treating predecessors and as a way of writing. And I want to show you that way of writing very early in the book on page 10 now. Let's take a look at that.