...实物收入 实物收入(Income in kind) 目录 1 实物收入的概念 2 实物收入的类型 3 实物收入的推算[1] 4 相关条目 5 参考文献 实物收入的概念 实物收入是指纳税人转...
income e in kind 实物所得
以上来源于: WordNet
I. Article 10 is amended as: "Individual income includes income in cash, income in kind, income in negotiable securities and income in economic benefits of other forms."
“They then get a sense of how much income someone needs to support this lifestyle,” he said.“We then discuss occupations that bring in that kind of income and the path to that career.
The first decade of the 21st century was not kind to America's middle class-real median household income was 7% lower in 2009 than it was in 2000.