关于上确界与下确界的概念的教学_科教文汇(下旬刊)_2011-8_91阅读网杂志文章阅读 关键词 集合 确界 下确界 [gap=213]Key words set;supremum;infimum
essential infimum 本性下确界
Infimum infimum 最大下界
infimum limit 下限 ; 最大下界
the infimum 下确界
Infimum of lipschitz constants Lipschitz常数下确界
supremum and infimum principle 确界原理
infimum excursion 极小游程
pointwise infimum 点式下确界
We prove upward density of pairs of intervals without infimum in the c. e. Wtt-degrees.
参考来源 - c.e.的WttA clustering method is proposed based on set similarity(SS) and object set feature(OSF),and according to the supremum and infimum of clustering set,the new object can be distributed to different clusters.
该文借助对象组相似度和对象组的特征向量,提出了一种实现聚类的方法。 根据聚类结果后,根据聚类集合的上确界和下确界给出新对象的分类。
参考来源 - 基于对象组特征向量的聚类与分类的实现 in C·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N the greatest lower bound 下确界
According to the definite condition, the paper USES the theorem of supremum and infimum to study characteristic of mapping function and get its important law of the mapping.
The infimum and supremum of operators, and generalized inverse of operators are heated topics in operator theory and also have important value in both theory and application.