One Machine Infinite Bus 单机无穷大 ; 较了单机无穷大母线
Machine infinite bus system 单机无穷大系统
single machine infinite bus 一机无限大母线
single-machine infinite-bus system 单机
single machine infinite-bus 的单机无穷大
infinite bus system 无穷大系统
infinite-bus system 无穷大系统
one machine infinite bus system 单机无穷大系统
Nonlinear state equation of single machine infinite bus system with TCR is established to simplify and simulate real power system.
Phase difference between the e. m. f. of an alternator taken as a reference and that of another alternator or that of an infinite bus.
On the single machine to infinite bus power system model, using the design method, the novel nonlinear predictive integrated control laws of the generator are acquired.