为解决这个问题,相应地就出现了信息流控制(information flow control)以监管信息可以流通的有效路径。信息流控制是对访问控制的重要补充,在一个完备的保护系统中,两者缺一不可。
Information flow control during transport 运输过程中信息流监控
Decentralized Information Flow Control 以分布式信息流控制
information flow control ifc 信息流控制
information control flow model 信息流测控模型
control information flow 控制信息流
control information flow category 控制信息流种别
access control of information flow 信息流的访问控制
The topics mainly include the design of hydraulic system of drum roll mill and information flow control device.
To keep independent object-oriented system secure from Trojan horse, there exists already a restrictive policy that blends information flow control with discretionary access control.
Decentralized Information flow control (DIFC) is an approach to security that allows application writers to control how data flows between the pieces of an application and the outside world.