... 国内收入税 internal revenue tax 居民收入税 income levy; inhabitant tax 毛收入税 gross income tax ...
local inhabitant tax [税收] 地方居民税
individual inhabitant tax [税收] 个人居民税
corporate inhabitant tax 法人居民税 ; [税收] 法人居住税
prefectural inhabitant tax [税收] 地区居民税
local l inhabitant tax 地方居民税
corporate e inhabitant tax 法人居民税
inhabitant income tax 居民所得税
inhabitant t income tax 居民所得税
Fourth, international tax revenue jurisdiction is generally divided into inhabitant tax revenue jurisdiction and income origin tax revenue jurisdiction.
The issue of local government bonds is a basic requirement of the tax assignment system, and is favorable for providing provision effectively for the area of jurisdiction inhabitant publicly.