(4)内点法(Interior Point Algorithm) 1984年,AT&T贝尔实验室数学家Karmarkar提出了内点法,其基本思想是: 给定一个可行的内点,使其沿着可行方向出发,求出使目标函...
primal-dual interior point algorithm 原对偶内点法
Karmarkar interior point algorithm Karmarkar内点算法
infeasible interior-point algorithm 不可行内点算法
nonlinear primal-dual interior point algorithm 非线性原对偶内点算法
non-interior point algorithm 非内点算法
The thesis discusses the practicality of reduced grade algorithm and interior point algorithm for reactive power optimization.
参考来源 - 山东电网无功优化的实用性研究On the basis of the Perturbed Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT ) conditions of the primal problem, this paper presents a new interior point algorithm to solve power system weighted nonlinear L( norm (IPWNL1) state and parameter estimation problem.
参考来源 - 基于现代内点理论的电力系统加权非线性LIt considers the m inimal purchase cost increm ent as objective function and restrictive conditions. The nonlinear interior point algorithm of optim al power flow is employed to control the congestion in power m arket.
该方法以购电费用增加最小为目标函数 ,考虑了电力市场中的约束条件 ,用非线性内点法最优潮流实现电力市场中的阻塞调度控制。
参考来源 - 电力市场中的阻塞调度·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
A new interior point algorithm based on the general power transformation is developed.
On the Research of Primal-dual Infeasible Interior Point Algorithm for Box Linear Programming;
For optimal power flow interior point algorithm hair, not the toolbox compiled, verified, is correct.