In dealing with Chinese local enterprises, most foreign Banks are skeptical of their reported financial statements, corporate governance and internal control procedures and quality of the management.
与中国本地企业打交道时,许多外国的银行家对本地企业的财务报表(financial statement)、公司治理、内部控制程序(internal control procedure)以及质量管理持有怀疑态度。
Business writing for the company is mainly internal financial statements like reports and receipts, working reports and proposals for improving the company management and cost control.
Under J-SOX, we will need to assess the design and operating effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting (" management assessment ") and report the results in our filings.
根据J - SOX的规定,我们将需要对财务报告内部控制的设计和运营效能进行评估并在其归档文件中报告评估结果。