留学生(international students) 是跨文化交往的一个最主要群体,他们不仅数量 庞大且大多集中在高校等教育机构中,样本容易 采集,这也是许多学者把留学生作为跨...
... returned student 回国留学生 international student 外国留学生 undergraduate 大学肄业生;(尚未取得学位的)大学生 ...
作为国际留学生(International student),你是无法就读于公立学校的。一间好的私立学校,每年的学费至少要3万美金,有些甚至高达五万美金,即使人民币兑美元汇率一直走高...
...惊人记忆的孩子,那个本地的男孩能记住几乎从1920至今的足球赛事的比赛双方和比分,另外一个是个International student(国际生),他说出了世界上几乎所有国家的首都,不论他们的名字有多长,国家有多小,有多拗口,他都做到了,没有一个错误的。
International Student Identity Card 国际学生证 ; ISIC国际学生证
International Student Card 留学生的学生证
International Student Management 留学生管理干部 ; 海外留学推荐岗
international student office 留学生处 ; 留学生办公室
international student center 生中心
International Student Festival 国际留学生节
Newfoundland International Student Education Program 纽芬兰公立教育局
International Student and Scholar Services 生事务中心 ; 留学生与学者服务中心 ; 学生与学者服务中心
以上来源于: WordNet
I work at the International Student Office at SMU.
Write an email to Jack, an international student, to invite him to participate, and tell him the details.
Write an email to answer the inquiry from an international student volunteer, specifying the details of the project.
A college or university's international student office is a good place to start getting to know the school and the country.
VOA: special.2009.03.19
There's a special student membership so I encourage you to check out the international positive psychology association and join to stay abreast of the latest development in the field of positive psychology.
This week in our Foreign Student Series, we talk about support services for international students in the United States.
VOA: special.2009.03.19