澳洲昆士兰大学就读国际贸易和金融(International Trade and Finance )专业将获得经济学士学位,要就读昆士兰大学业需要雅思或托福成绩,要求雅思成绩总分为6.5,要求托福成绩总分为90,申请该专业就...
d Natural Resources Economics) 产业组织(Industrial Organization) 国际贸易与金融(International Trade And Finance) 劳动经济学 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(University of Colorado,Boulder,缩写CU-Boulder,或直接简称为Colorado)是一所位..
...arget=_blank class=infotextkey>mparative Legal / Ethical Systems) 国际贸易与国际金融(International Trade and Finance) 跨国金融管理(International and Finance Management) ..
...tative Methods 企业策略计划 Strategic Planning 国际贸易及金融 International Trade and Finance ..
International Trade and Finance Program-ITF 国际贸易和金融
International Trade and Finance Program 国际贸易和金融
international trade and finance division 国际贸易和金融司
International Trade and International Finance 国际贸易和国际金融
International l Trade And Finance 国际贸易与金融
International Finance and Trade 国际金融和国际贸易
international trade and foreign finance 国际贸易与涉外金融
In IBMS example of today's international business including international trade and finance, has penetrated into every corner of the world.
"It's really incumbent on all countries to keep international trade and finance flowing, because that can limit the damage of the global downturn," said Leipziger.
By the 20th century, popularizing nature, it is suitable for the general home trade and specific field to expand to the fields, such as international trade and finance. etc, and have special laws.