冒险岛乐园(Islands Of Adventure)从魔法、隐形衣、符咒到魔药课堂、曼德拉草和厄里斯魔镜,从阴险毒辣的伏地魔到勇敢不屈的小英雄,冒险岛乐园大手笔复原了神秘华...
冒险群岛 (Islands of Adventure) 前往最新开幕的冒险群岛,此乃环球影城耗资12亿美圆建成之全新主题公园,坐落于沼泽湖畔,园内各项精心建设,老少咸宜,更可以由...
Universal's Islands of Adventure 冒险岛 ; 环球影城冒险岛 ; 环球冒险岛 ; 环球冒险岛乐园
Wizarding world of Harry Potter "at Universal's Islands of Adventure theme park will make the magical world of the famous book a reality for its legions of fans."
"The WizardingWorld of Harry Potter" at Universal's Islands of Adventure theme park will make the magical world of the famous book a reality for its legions of fans.
"The Wizarding world of Harry Potter" at Universal's Islands of Adventure theme park will make the magical world of the famous book a reality for its legions of fans.