ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system that can be used for internal application by organizations, or for certification, or for contractual purposes.
ISO 9001规定了质量管理体系要求,可供组织内部使用,也可用于认证或合同目的。
We are constantly working to improve our work standards and services, and in 2003 received the ISO 9001:2000 quality management system certification.
我们不断努力改进我们的工作标准和服务,及在2003年接受了ISO 9001: 2000版质量管理体系认证。
Internatioanlly agreed ISO 9000 quality and management certification system offered a way to standardize management for vocational school.
国际上通用的ISO 9000质量管理体系认证为职业学校提供了一条规范管理的途径。