... 同位素质谱稀释法;isotope dilution method 同位素;同位核素;isotopic nuclides;isotope 同位素;isotope ...
double isotope dilution method 同位素二重稀释法
n isotope dilution method n同位素稀释法
inverse isotope dilution method 同位素反稀释法
single isotope dilution method 单井稀释法
direct isotope dilution method 直接同位素稀释法
stable isotope dilution method 稳定核素稀释法
hydrogen isotope dilution method 氢同位素稀释法
15 n isotope dilution method n同位素稀释法
Isotope dilution method was adopted in lab for the study of the effect of crude oil contamination on the rate of nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in soil.
The PCDD/Fs in surface sediments of Great Canal in Hangzhou city were analyzed by isotope Dilution HRGC/HRMS method.
Objective:To develop a method for determining the metabolites of nitrofuran antibiotics in aquatic products by HPLC-MS/MS using isotope internal standard dilution technique.