They collaborated with Rich Ling at the it University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and will present their work at the International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining next month.
他们与丹麦哥本哈根信息技术大学的Rich Ling进行了合作研究,将在下个月召开的社交网络分析和挖掘研究国际会议上发布他们的研究成果。
Professor Eske Willerslev, from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, who led the research, said: “It is proof that other hunters were present at least 1, 000 years prior to the Clovis culture.
领导这项研究的、来自丹麦哥本哈根大学的Eske Willerslev教授说:“其他狩猎者出现于北美大陆的时间至少比克劳维斯文明早1000年。
Senior author Susan Stipp, from Copenhagen University, told BBC News: "I think the really important parts of it are: Number one, the aviation authorities were absolutely right in closing airspace.
哥本哈根大学的资深作者Susan Stipp对BBC新闻说:“我认为最重要的是:首先,航空当局关闭航空线路的措施是完全正确的。