A management model of virtual machines was proposed based on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) structure and its prototype system was implemented.
提出基于P 2 P结构的多虚拟机管理模型,并实现其原型系统。
This paper is about the architecture of a softswitch-based clustered multimedia server and its prototype system. It details the security problems of the new system and gives relevant solutions.
The first to test its prototype is the Ocean Renewable Power Company (OrpC), which in August launched a $2.5m tidal grid-compatible power system, the first in the United States.
第一个吃螃蟹的是海洋再生能源公司(OrpC),它在八月启动了一项250万美元的兼容电网的潮汐能源系统。 这在全美尚属首次。