...时,宠物猴或猿有一个别名叫Jack Napes,Jack是英语中一个的常用名,对人和动物同样适用,比如公驴(jackass)和水手(Jack Tar)。Nape可能是对ape的戏称,也可能是因为当时很多宠物猿都是从那不勒斯(Naples)运到英国的。
jack-tar 水兵
jack tar fashion 合乎水手标准
Blue jack tar 蓝杰塔酒店 ; 蓝色杰克塔尔酒店
Jack-tar style 水手风格
Beautiful jack-tar 漂亮的水手
Fashionable jack-tar 时尚水手
Like lazy jack-tar 喜欢偷懒的水手
N a sailor 水手 [文学性]
Jack Bauer had slipped to the back of the tavern and used a metal Dumpster to get a boost to the flat tar roof.
The jack-tar modelling that mature flavour luster feels, recreational campaign sheet is tasted, super miniskirt… above these are the essential elements that make sense of mature, cruel!
A few wear white jack-tar to take, the figure is carried high before formal young lady stands in the data station that has a few piles of paper only mutual whisper to each other.