Android 4.1的版本代号是Jelly Bean,中文名是“果冻豆”,该系统是Android 4.0.x Ice Cream Sandwich "(冰激凌三明治)" 的升级版, Android 4.4的代号将是"KitKat(奇巧)"
...Android 4.1,代号Jelly Bean(果冻豆),是目前最快、最流畅的Android版本.继承了Android 4.0简洁、美观的特点同时还引入了最新的Google 搜索体验.
Jelly Bean Keyboard PRO 果冻豆专业键盘 ; 果冻豆键盘专业版 ; 汉化版
Jelly Bean Live Wallpaper 果冻豆动态壁纸
the jelly bean team 豌豆战队
Toxic jelly bean 蛇蝎心肠
Jelly Bean Launcher 果冻豆主题桌面
Jelly Bean Blast HD 软糖豆爆破 ; 软糖爆破
N-COUNT Jelly beans are small coloured candies that are hard on the outside and soft inside. 胶质软糖 [usu pl]
Let's take the Jelly Bean Taste Test!
Yes, the home of countless famous movie stars is also the birthplace of the original gourmet jelly bean.
Video on display shows Reagan heading a cabinet meeting with his hand perpetually dipping into a glass jelly bean jar.
Android 4.1的版本代号是Jelly Bean,中文名是“果冻豆”,该系统是Android 4.0.x Ice Cream Sandwich "(冰激凌三明治)" 的升级版, Android 4.4的代号将是"KitKat(奇巧)"