叫它“垃圾债券市场”(junk bond market)本身,显示了一种进取进攻型的大胆。同为垃圾债券英雄的伊万•鲍斯基,1986年在加州,竟然得意忘形地对大学生们说,“我想贪婪是...
Recent turmoil in the junk bond market suggests that investors expect bankruptcies, particularly in the energy sector.
Obviously there were accidents and scandals in the junk bond market in particular but the net effect was overwhelmingly good for trade and prosperity.
They had to deal with crises such as the failures of Drexel Burnham Lambert, which dominated the junk-bond market, and Baring Brothers, a British bank brought low by a rogue trader.
他们必须对付很多危机,比如曾在垃圾债券市场独占鳌头的Drexel Burnham Lambert丑闻,由于一个不肖交易员而使得英国的霸菱银行损失惨重的事件等。