我的工作如下 » I will work on the following 只是觉得该练习 » Just think of the exercise 液体分配器的平面度公差为2mm,标高极限偏差3mm,其中心线同轴度公差为3mm。
Jeff: Well, in terms of categories, essentially everything influenced manufacture, I don't think I'll do to exercise arms but just the choice I make.
Perhaps some people will think that painting from life is just exercise and a study of basic natural law, this kind of understanding will often let people enter into the mistaken position.
And just to review a little bit what we did last time, the kind of exercise there--so I think, is this right, I think probably went a little fast last time.
Just to amuse yourself, not for any kind of punitive think-about-the-exam exercise, but it would be fun to take these categories and think about these other countries, particularly those who were absolute states, other large important states in Europe and see to what extent you have these factors there.