也就是IDC服务商会告知客户的内核错误(Kernel panic)。内核错误(Kernel panic)是指操作系统在监测到内部的致命错误,并无法安全处理此错误时采取的动作。
...照互连网毗连和最大带宽/延迟率来抉择, 缺省配置:16 /proc/sys/kernel/panic 该文件暗示假如产生"内核严重错误(kernel panic)",按照包括日志的文件系统上可用空间的数量(以百分比暗示),则大概会用尽超等块处理惩罚措施。
kernel panic upload mode 内核恐慌上传模式 ; 内核模式恐慌上传
以上来源于: WordNet
You may have experienced the cannot mount rootfs error (followed by your Linux host getting a kernel panic) after you reboot your system.
在重新启动系统后,您可能会遇到can not mount rootfs错误(在Linux主机得到kernel panic之后)。
Prior to the call for power off, the machine will load the panic instigator module into the kernel, and the shake detection routine will be called.
The kernel is at the heart of your Linux system, and a panic is usually caused by misbehaving hardware forcing the kernel into uncharted areas of your system's memory.