Bledsoe Knee Brace ACL PCL 膝部交叉韧带护具 ; 膝部前后交叉韧带护具
DonJoy Armor Knee Brace-Ski Version 滑雪者盔甲膝盖护具
DonJoy Legend Knee Brace 传奇膝盖护具
knee-brace-frame 隅撑支撑框架
below-knee brace 膝下支具
DonJoy Competitor Post-Op Knee Brace 膝盖手术后护具
Far-infrared health-care knee brace 品名远红外线保健膝部护具
The knee brace harvests energy generated when someone bends their knee to take a step.
His wonky knee is said to be fully healthy, but he'll need to wear a knee brace for the rest of his career which only underscored just how fragile his health remains.
Jackson said Bynum informed him that he had flexibility in the knee and he showed off a brace he was wearing.