L2 vocabulary learning modes L2词汇学习方式
The present study investigates the cognitive-psychological as well as cross-linguistic factors that probably contribute to the effectiveness of L2 vocabulary learning methods among Chinese ESL learners.
参考来源 - 二语词汇习得方法理论背景探索·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
During the last decade, a new tendency of vocabulary learning research goes towards the theoretical exploration and empirical researches on L2 vocabulary deep processing knowledge.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of context on the direct learning of L2 vocabulary, with the retention of word meaning and form as the main focus.
This paper dwells on the necessity and limitations of incidental learning of L2 vocabulary based on the theory of depths of processing proposed by Craik and Lockhart.