...d the , 对上海家庭开支的统计(Statistic, 父母和子女关于事业的不同想法(D, 英语四六级作文五大模板(5), 土地改革(Land Reform), 演变睡眠(Evolution of sleep), 英语名言-勤俭与节约, 为何不愉快的事很难忘记?
... [mound] 天然的高于地面的小山 [land reform] 土地改革的简称 [a low bank of earth between fields] 即田埂,田地为了隔开田亩或行走而筑的稍高于地面的埂子 ...
Land reform policy 土地改革政策
land reform in China 中国土地改革
land reform and tenure 土地改革与土地占有
Land Reform Movement 土地改革运动
world land reform conference 世界土地改革会议
land reform monthly 土地改革
peaceful land reform 和平土改
land reform committee 土地改革委员会
agriculture and land reform minister 农业和土地改革大臣
N-VAR Land reform is a change in the system of land ownership, especially when it involves giving land to the people who actually farm it and taking it away from people who own large areas for profit. 土地改革
...the new land reform policy under which thousands of peasant families are to be resettled.
The issue of land reform was one that dominated Hungary's parliamentary elections.
He is a bearded, sandal-wearing liberation theologian, a campaigner for the poor and for land reform.
During the land reform each person got 1.3 mu of land.