... 银行、保险业banking,insurance industry 国有大型企业large state-owned enterprise 广大的肥田沃地large areas of fertile land ...
super large state-owned enterprise 特大型国有企业
large state-owned enterprise conglomerate 国有大企业集团
state-owned large enterprise 国有大型企业
large scale state owned enterprise 大型企业
large size state-owned enterprise 国有大中型企业
large-scale state-owned enterprise 用于国有大型企业
the large-sized state-owned enterprise 国有大型企业集团
This large state-owned enterprises for the Newspaper enterprise management philosophy and practices are discussed.
China nuclear Engineering Group is an extra large state-owned enterprise, which has a complete industrial system of nuclear science and technology.
Shanxi north hoop industrial group Co. , LTD. Is a subsidiary of China south industries group corporation large state-owned enterprise, is located in taiyuan, Shanxi Province.