定义 中文名称: 激光玻璃光纤 英文名称: laser glass fiber 定义: 掺有一定浓度激活离子,在某些特定波长光的激励下能产生激光的玻璃光纤。 应用学科: 材料科学技术(一级学科); 无机非金属材料(二级学科); 晶体
glass-fiber laser 玻璃纤维激光器
glass fiber laser 玻璃光纤激光器 ; 玻璃纤维激光器
glass-fiber ĥ laser 玻璃纤维激光器
glass-fiber E laser 玻璃纤维激光器
glass-fiber Õ laser 玻璃纤维激光器
glass s fiber laser 玻璃纤维激光器
Various shapes and fine fiber of the glass have important and wide application in light communication, laser, light emission, infrared detection, specific glass and optoelectronics.
The investigation results of this work provide theoretical foundation and technical support for the further research on rare-earth-doped tellurite glass fiber amplifier and laser.