3、激光治疗(Laser therapy):激光治疗包括激光汽化(laser vaporization)和激光锥切(laser conization)2种方法。治疗时采用的触媒常为CO2,但也有采用Nd-YAG。
laser vaporization method 激光蒸发方法
co laser vaporization co2激光汽化
CO2 laser vaporization CO2激光汽化
Laser vaporization sampling 激光蒸发进样
co 2 laser vaporization co激光汽化
photoselective green laser vaporization 选择性绿激光汽化术
Objective To summarize the clinical curative effect of subcutaneous pruning by fold incision and CO2 laser vaporization removed apocrine gland in treatment of axillary osmidrosis.
Laser cosmetic surgery is the use of laser thermal effect of the lesion to solidification, charring, or vaporization.
It was pointed out that semiconductor laser has advantages such as high power, effective vaporization and simple usage than other types of lasers.