...(A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness):巴基斯坦杀女陋习幸存者的自述 《最后的自由时光》(Last Day of Freedom):动画纪录片,弟弟杀了人,哥哥大义灭亲并陪弟弟度过了死刑前最后一段时光 《 女矿工》(Minerita) :三个玻利维亚女矿工的故...
During the last World Press FreedomDay celebration (May 3, 2011) the Minister of communication (Gabon) made the commitment to redraft the media law and to, among other thing, align it with the exigencies of media development and freedom in Gabon.
And after years and years of working my guts out day after day, I was blessed enough to sell my company in March oflast year, giving me the freedom necessary to pursue my dream.