条目(2):行星运动定律(Laws of Planetary Motion)_网易新闻中心 - 详情进入 摘录: 行星运动三定律引发了天文学的变革,并导致了数十年后万有引力定律的诞生。
Kepler went on to show that an elliptical orbit is sufficient to explain the movement of the other planets and to devise the laws of planetary motion that Newton built on.
接着开普勒证明了这个椭圆轨道也能很有效解释其他行星的运行轨迹。 然后他提出了行星运动定律,牛顿定律就是以此为理论基础的。
On August 6th America’s space agency, NASA, announced that its Kepler planet-detector (named after the man who worked out the laws of planetary motion, as this article explains) is also behaving well.
Newton helped define the laws of gravity and planetary motion, co-founded the field of calculus, and explained laws of light and color, among many other discoveries.