论中小学英语情境教学 --中国期刊网 关键词:创设;情境;素养;主体;主导 [gap=3569]Key words: creation; situation; quality; subject; leading
... 令人恐惧的,可怕的;极讨厌的,糟透的:horrible 领导的,指导的;第一位的;最主要的:leading 领;带;导向;通向;通往;导致;造成:lead to ...
leading edge [机] [计] 前缘 ; 居领先优势的 ; [电子] 前沿 ; 导缘
leading indicators 领先指标 ; 领先指针 ; 领先指数
leading stock 龙头股 ; [金融] 主要股份 ; 领导股
leading actor 男主角 ; 主角 ; 最佳男主角 ; 男配角
ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE 最佳男主角 ; 最佳男配角 ; 钢琴师 ; 最好男配角
Actress in a Leading Role 最佳女主角 ; 最佳女配角 ; 女主角
Leading indicator 领先指标 ; 领先经济指标 ; 领先指数
Leading cadres 领导干部
leading strand [生化] 前导链 ; 领头链 ; 先导链
形容词读作ˈliːdɪŋ。名词义项 leading读作ˈlɛdɪŋ。
ADJ The leading person or thing in a particular area is the one which is most important or successful. 主要的 [ADJ n]
...a leading member of the city's Sikh community.
ADJ The leading role in a play or film is the main role. A leading lady or man is an actor who plays this role. 主要的 (角色); 担任主要角色的 [ADJ n]
...an offer to play the leading role in an Arthur Miller play.
ADJ The leading group, vehicle, or person in a race or procession is the one that is at the front. 在前面的 [ADJ n]
The leading car came to a halt.
N the spacing between lines of photocomposed or digitized type 行距 (Also called interlinear spacing) [printing]