...考: 美国银行(Bank of America)人力资源主管 迪卡侬(Decathlon)-比利时,部门主管 莱斯特市政厅(Leicester City Council)数据营销主管 乐购(Tesco)管理培训生 汇丰银行 (HSBC)管理培训生 苏格兰皇家银行 (Royal Bank of Scotland)注册会计师 桑坦...
abstract:Leicester City Council is a unitary authority responsible for local government in the city of Leicester, England. It consists of 54 councillors, representing 22 wards in the city, overseen by a directly elected mayor.
The citycouncilandcarmanufacturerRiversimplehaveagreed tolease30of thecars to motorists under a 12-month pilot scheme also involving Leicester and DeMontfortuniversities.