...佛莱Cruze(Chevrolet Cruze),也有超级豪华车劳斯莱斯幽灵(Rolls Royce Ghost ),以及价值37万5千美元的凌志LFA(Lexus LFA)。
Toyota Motor Corp. 's $400,000 Lexus LFA super cars use computer-controlled hydraulic systems to control gear changes and a single clutch.
丰田汽车(Toyota Motor Corp。)售价达40万美元的雷克萨斯(Lexus) LFA超级跑车利用计算机操控的液压系统来控制变速和单离合器。
The $350,000 Lexus LFA was one of the most buzz-generating vehicles at the ultra-luxury 'Gallery' exhibit during the North American International Auto Show in Detroit this week.
售价35万美元的雷克萨斯LFA 跑车是上周底特律车展超豪华陈列展中最引人注目的汽车之一。
Besides, the LFA seems weirdly out of phase with the rest of Lexus's lineup, since Lexus prides itself on having more hybrids than any other luxury car brand.