... limit stop || ①极限开关,终点开关 ②限制器,止动器,挡块 limit superior || 上极限 limit switch || 极限开关,限位开关,行程开关 ...
limit superior and limit inferior 上极限和下极限 ; 下极限
superior limit 最大限度
essential superior limit 本质上极限
the superior limit 最早的限期
Superior limit of exchange [金融] 汇兑最高限额
Limes superior supremum limit 上极限 ; 最小上界
superior ecliptic limit [天] 上食限
superior limit event 上极限事件
Through set sequence is resolved into finite mutually disjunct subsets, the new method to solve the limit superior and limit inferior of set sequence is give.
If the diesel engine has a superior economic performance, a dependable work, and if the noise and the vibration can be controlled in a lower limit, which usually depends upon its valve train system.
It is meanwhile good practice to limit performance metrics to as few as possible, and the carbon footprint does not belong on the list when far superior techniques are available.