...ing facilities; limited access to capital; and inability to capture economies of scale 朝有机耕种转化有可能受到以下限制,例如缺乏对有机耕作制度的认识,管理方面的成本、转用新的耕作方法的危险、缺乏基础设施、缺乏营销设施,获得资本的能力受到限制和...
Like other Myanmar companies, though, it has limitedaccesstocapital under Myanmar's antiquated financial system, which lacks a corporate-bond market or a major stock exchange.
But after plowing through reams of data on some 8, 500 small businesses compiled by the Federal Reserve and the University of Michigan in the late '80s and early '90s, Hurst rejects the notion that, for the most part, limitedaccesstocapital is constraining would-be entrepreneurs.