So really, the rule of thumb if you think back to Scratch is — that any time you write a statement — — something that does something in one line of code — you generally need the semicolon there.
You can edit the stylesheet line-by-line directly in this document as well, create new stylesheets from scratch, or paste in existing stylesheets.
What they still lack is technological know-how, systems integration, being able to design new vehicles from scratch and get them to a manufacturing line.
But what looks like this orange block as of now in Scratch, add orange to your so called inventory, well, it's gonna take at least two lines of code in C to actually create the inventory array with this first line and then put something like the word orange inside of it.
As an aside, if you ever just have one line of code that you want to execute, one puzzle piece in Scratch terminology, ; you actually don't need the curly braces; you only need the curly braces if you have two or more lines of code that you want to execute if that condition is true.