生活津贴 ( living allowance ):每年54300欧元(具有4-10年研究经历)或者每年81400欧元(10年以上研究经历),都以比利时的生活水平为准,其他西欧国家差不太多,...
cost-of-living allowance 生活津贴 ; 生活费津贴
living allowance or subsistence allowance 生活津贴
Disability Living Allowance 伤残生活津贴 ; 残疾生活津贴 ; 残障生活津贴 ; 残疾人生活津贴
Poor Disability Living Allowance 残疾人生活津贴制度
Other living allowance 各项生活补贴
basic cost-of-living allowance 基本生活津贴
Retirement living allowance 退休生活补贴费
special operations living allowance 特别业务生活津贴
PAUL We were going to offer a schola hip, a living allowance, and air fare to and from Brazil.
我们打算发给一份奖学金, 还有生活费津贴及到巴西的来回飞机票, 你认为这构想怎么样?。
The basic living allowance system is established to guarantee the living standard of the impoverished.
After this adjustment, what is the amount of living allowance for Confucius Institute Scholarship students?