Local signs of wound infection consist of pain and tenderness, swelling, warmth, and erythema.
The factors of failure were disturbance of local blood circulation, wound infection followed rib necrosis, T-tube injured mucomembrane then became a new stenosis, and restenosis for scar constitution.
局部皮肤血循环差(大剂量放射治疗后,反复多次手术局部瘢痕重) ,伤口感染软骨坏死排出,T形管损伤黏膜形成新的瘢痕狭窄和瘢痕体质。
AIM: to observe the local hemostasis, analgesia, anti-infection and healing effects of multifunctional wound dressing based on isobutyl-chitosan, which is derived from chitosan.