伦敦金(loco London)是存放在伦敦城地下金库里的99.5%纯度的400盎司金砖,每个金砖上都是印有编号和加工商的徽记的,英文里hallmark这个词最早的意思...
loco london silver 伦敦银 ; 本地伦敦银
Loco-London gold market 本地伦敦金市
Loco London Gold 本地伦敦金
HK Loco London Gold 本地伦敦金
Loco-London gold 本地伦敦金
Be aware of the fact that many con artists use the name Loco London to cheat you into believing that you are dealing with legitimate operators.
One is commonly known as the Loco-London gold market, with process quoted in US dollars per troy ounce of gold of 99.99 per cent fineness and with delivery in London.
其中一个市场通称为本地伦敦金市场,交易以美元按每金衡安士报价, 黄金纯度为99.99%,在伦敦交收。