logical line group 逻辑线路组 ; 逻辑列组
LLG Logical Line Group 逻辑线路组
logical line end symbol 逻辑列结束符号 ; 逻辑行结束符
logical line delete symbol 逻辑行删除符
logical line end 逻辑行结束
Logical Line Control 逻辑链路控制
logical l line 合理路线 ; 逻辑行
triple line logical 三行逻辑梳状滤波器
If you do not define this macro, the default is that only the character '; 'is treated as a logical line separator.
Their similarify is they in common, are based on five balances and their main logical line is to adjust the contradictions between man and man, and man and the nature.
Simple statements are comprised within a single logical line. Several simple statements may occur on a single line separated by semicolons. The syntax for simple statements is.